3.6 Ethical Principles and Governance

Overview: Different ethical Principles

Interview with Catelijne Muller about the ethical principles of the EU

Watch the following video from minute 1:04 on.

(Course: Daten- und Algorithmenethik, Episode 4)

Pocket Game: Self-Reflection of Ethical Principles

Interactive Book

Trustworthy AI

Watch the following two videos an do the quiz.

starting from minute 0:14

(Course: Daten- und Algorithmenethik, Episode 5, Interview mit internationalen Expert*innen über verantwortungsvolle KI)

starting from minute 0:17

(Course: Daten- und Algorithmenethik, Episode 5, Interview mit internationalen Expert*innen über die Gestaltung verantwortungsvoller KI)


Regulatory framework proposal on artificial intelligence

Read the newspaper article and then do the follwing exercise.

Source: Regulatory framework proposal on artificial intelligence. (2021, 14. October). European Commission. https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/regulatory-framework-ai

Interview with Martin Cunneen on responsible AI and Governance

Watch the following interview and do the quiz.

(Course: Daten- und Algorithmenethik, Episode 5, Interview mit Martin Cunneen)

(Course: Daten- und Algorithmenethik, Epidsode 5, Pocketspiel „Verantwortungsvolle KI“)

ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Read the paragraph „1. General Ethical Principles“ and then prepare the following questions.


Basis for synchronous lesson

Take the general ethical principles listed, here using the example of the professional ethics of software developers, and apply them to your professional or student situation. Do you find these principles suitable for your situation? Give reasons why, or why not!

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